Friday, December 1, 2023

Space weather Kp6-Kp5 bring it on..........


 Due to an active sun which brings us both good and bad conditions today was one of the bad days...or was it. Today I flipped the switch and listened to the bands and what did I find you ask? WI5D (once on 20m and once on40m) as a POTA in a park in Missouri, K3SLH as a POTA in Pennsylvania and LZ600PA as a special event station from Bulgaria. Yes due to the space weather, it was a slow day on the bands. On 15m and 20m one had to watch the waterfall as signals would just pop out and then soon after gone again. The way I look at it any day on the radio is a good day. It was not all glory on the bands I did have some POTA stations lost in the mud after my call out to them.

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