Wednesday, April 26, 2023

ATNO for me!


Way back on April 20th late in the afternoon, I checked my go-to DX cluster DX heat to see what was happening on the bands. I saw VU2TMP from India spotted and I have seen this station in the past but never heard him just the pileup. 

This time he was spotted on 15m and out my way in the afternoon 15m can do some very surprising things. I flipped on the Icom 7610 and spun over to 21.001 CW and low and behold there was VU2TMP at about S5! I put the radio in split and Dual receive and to my surprise there was not much action happening. I dropped my call a few times but he went back to other stations I could not hear most in Europe. I thought to myself the only time I hear him he can't hear me, but I am only running 100 watts into a Hustler 4BTV. 

I dropped my call again a few times and low and behold I hear "VE9?" now I am thinking it's one of my fellow VE9's also calling him. I tried again and heard "VE9K?" well know things are getting serious and to top it off he is now fading!! I sent "VE9KK...KK...KK" and his reply was "VE9KK 5NN" Well hot dog I am in the log. I sent my exchange and all was good.


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Congrats Mike with the new one. There is also a dxpedtion from VU7 on the bands. You might try to get them as well. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good afternoon Bas, yes I was very pleased and surprised that I made it into his log. I will check the DXpedtion sites and see their call and more info on them.
Have a great upcoming weekend,