Sunday, January 1, 2023

Day one of 2023!!


 Well, it's day one of 2023 and I am relaxing with my mid-morning coffee. I say mid-morning as for us retired folks who usually hit the sack around 10 pm venturing into midnight is a once-a-year endeavour. So a bit of sleeping in was in order. No hangover here as we just enjoyed a bottle of champagne to help welcome in the New Year. As for overindulging never did it.  I never wanted to waste the next day with the booze flu.

As for 2023, I want to keep on my CW adventure as 2022 was a great learning curve for the art of CW. I find it kept my mind sharp, kept me occupied and always a new skill levels to master. 

In 2023 I would like to master....or let's be more realistic and say get a grip on CW head coping for QSOs as I have always wanted to do this.
One thing in 2022 that lacked was my reading. 

I want to put more time toward reading both technical, fiction and the magazines I subscribe to. All related to ham radio and to mix it up with some not!

 One dream of mine has been vinyl records, a turn table and Jazz music all mixed together! 

Finally just to continue with my CW contesting and learn more about technique, how to effectively handle a pileup and continue to have fun. 

Happy New Year to my readers and all the best to your health and ham radio adventures.


John AE5X said...

Looking forward to any book recommendations you care to pass along, Mike - great idea for a post topic. Hope to get you in the log this year...

John AE5X

VE9KK said...

Good evening john very nice to hear from you, the book recommendations will have to wait for a bit. It would be great to get you in the log and there are 364 days left to get it done!

MadDogMcQ said...

Hey Mike, a belated Happy New Year!
Like you, I intend to do so much more in 2023 than I have done in the last couple of years. A 40-hr working week is a real interference to my hobbies and I wish there was a ferrite ring that I could wrap my work around LOL.

Reading is like a guilty pleasure to me and I find it hard to relax enough to sit still and read a book. My personal favourite genres are Sci-Fi and Crime Thrillers.

The last one I read was called TIME SHARDS by DANA FREDSTI which I really enjoyed very much. An unusual storyline!

I hope you achieve your 2023 goals mate.

73, Tom, M7MCQ

VE9KK said...

Good morning Tom, yes the 40 hour work week sure can cut into things. Having said that once you are retired it's funny how you time gets taken up doing other things. Yesterday for me it was the snow blower as we had close to 40cm of snow!
Sci-Fi is a fav of mine and the Star trek series is most often my go too.
Well tomorrow is the halfway mark through the work week Tom and then its a downhill slide to Friday.