Sunday, January 26, 2025

Winter Field Day


The new extended hours were a nice addition to the contest, and for me, it's a very relaxing event. At VE9KK, this was a CW event, and I kept my speed in the 22-26 wpm range. It was not a very busy event, and I checked in now and then on Saturday and Sunday. One nice surprise was that on Saturday evening on 40m, I had a call from 4Z4DX from Israel.


Anonymous said...

Very nice Mike, I wish I had some more time for radio last weekend to participate. I briefly did 2 hours of 160 CQWW CW contest early in the morning before I had to go. AT least it was good for training hi. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas I saw many from our club took part in the 160m contest. As for me I have no antenna for 160m. Yes any contest or operation on the air is good practice.