Thursday, October 5, 2023

Get over it move on and enjoy the hobby.


We have a very diverse hobby with a huge array of opportunities in many directions. You can stick with one forte and then jump in another direction. For me it keeps things interesting and challenging, our hobby has doors of interest that can be opened by old and young alike. But I just don't get it, in this great hobby we have a minority that spends most of their time, energy and blog posts on bashing. FT8, DXpeditions and contesting seem to be the flavour of the times. Some just go on and on seeking to discredit it at every corner. Why...I just don't get it! Move on and spend your time and energy doing other things and get lost in the pleasure our hobby has to offer. 

I get it I too like to work rare ones and yes I have been disappointed that some operations spend more time on certain modes than others. The solution is not to DQRM them.
Get over it move on and enjoy the hobby.

 I get it PCs are getting more involved to some way too involved within ham radio While you complain and whine you at the same time miss opportunities. Get over it move on and enjoy the hobby. 

I get it contesting can be a great thing and to others a thorn. The larger contests happen now and then but they do light up the bands with energy and that is good for keeping our bandwidth from the commercial vultures Do what I do hit the WARC bands for a day if you want. Get over it and enjoy the hobby. 

The World of CW is my blog name and for me it's my passion at this time in the hobby, this is the aspect I want to explore. I have gone down SSB, digital and now CW but to bash a part of the hobby is throwing my time away. To those who get bent out of shape, I just don't get it. Get over it and enjoy the hobby.


MadDogMcQ said...

COULDN’T AGREE MORE!! Yes, we all like or dislike certain aspects of the hobby - I know I do!! But I don’t spend my life bitching about parts of the hobby that others take great enjoyment from. Each to their own. I hope you’re keeping well Mike. 73 Tom, M7MCQ.

PE4BAS, Bas said...

I also agree with you Mike. I know exactly what you have been reading. This blog from the USA, don't tell names. People think that they have to tell that their way of experiencing the hobby is the only right way. Unfortunately for them everyone has its own taste. Well Mike, I'm not posting much on my blog right now. It has a reason....I'm too busy learning CW. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good morning Tom very nice to hear from you, some spend too much time going on and on about what they see as the negative parts of the hobby. When they do this they are taking away from the time they could be enjoying the parts of the hobby they like. As for me Tom I am doing great, it has been a very busy summer and fall so not much time for post on the blog.
Hope your CW adventure is coming along?

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas, great to hear from you and excellent news that your CW adventure is moving forward. Yes I too know the blog you speak of but also I have read things in my Groups.IO sites regarding poor comments about contesting, POTA, digi and the list goes on. The way I see it...spend less time complaining and more time doing what you love in the hobby.
73 and have a good weekend Bas,

QRP - When you care to send the very least! said...

Mike, it was always kind of this way, but now ......... the anonymity of the keyboard makes it so much worse. And it's not just here in our Amateur Radio world, either. Definitely a downside of the internet and social media. People will gladly type something that they'd never say to your face - ESPECIALLY if they can do it anonymously.

Larry W2LJ

VE9KK said...

Good morning Larry very nice to hear from you, very true the internet sure has done that. Also along with anonymity is the lack of accountability when something over internet or social media is done.

John AE5X said...

It's a posting by N0UN...identifying as N0UN. There's nothing anonymous about it.

VE9KK said...

Good morning John and thanks for stopping by, yes N0UN is very out spoken about FT8. But he does state that if you don't like his view then go somewhere else and read something else. As Larry suggested and I agree there still are those who post comments on blogs, twitter and so on who post as anonymous. My issue is whether you use your name or not get over it and move on.
Have a great weekend John,