Thursday, September 14, 2023

Lee will huff and puff.....


Greetings from Atlantic Canada, seems we are in for our first major storm this summer from the unfolding hurricane season. We moved to the Maritimes almost 5 years ago and before that time I only had seen reporting on the news regarding hurricanes. Since we have lived here we have had 2 and the first one was only after 2 weeks of living here.......that should have been our sign! But we love it here, the lifestyle, the ocean, the clean air and so on. We are gearing up here for Sunday's arrival of Hurricane Lee, the winds in this area are now forecast around 100 km. That is enough for me to remove the Hustler 4BTV and store it in the shed, put away the patio furniture, take down all hanging plants and anything else that may blow around. We have a generator back up at our home so a power interruption will only be temporary. As you know I am a big CW contesting fan and thank goodness there is no major CW contest this weekend....BUT.......if there was I still have the EndFed ready to go and that would give me my contest fix!


John AE5X said...

Good morning Mike - hopefully the winds will be much diminished by the time Lee gets to your QTH. My experience in TX and FL is that, as fierce as a storm may be at sea, they weaken very quickly once they make landfall. Hopefully you won't even need your generator.


QRP - When you care to send the very least! said...

Take care, Mike! Lee has been downgraded to Category One, and hopefully will downgrade even further. Stay dry, be safe and it sounds like you've done all you can.

Larry W2LJ

VE9KK said...

Good afternoon John and I hope your vacation is going well, either way, I spent the day putting things away outside. I would rather be safe than sorry and as for a power outage in most minor wind events we have lost power. With the 2 other hurricanes that we have had since we moved here in 2019 both had outages.

VE9KK said...

Hello Larry and very nice to hear from you, we have done all we can and it's now just a waiting game to see how things turn out.