Saturday, September 9, 2023

Been there done that but it seems I am now doing it again!


 In quest to be frugal and when ham bucks are needed for a purchase I have in the past taken a look around the shack and put up for sale items that I just were not using or felt I would no long need. Way to often I have found this practice has bitten me more than one time. How many of you have sold a piece of equipment to later find you need it!
I have done that with too many items and it can get very frustrating but I do have to understand that in some cases the new piece of gear that was purchased would never had happened if I did not liquidate some gear. Here are some of the items I have sold and turned around to only purchase the same item later on down the line. LG auto tuner, external SWR meter, noise cancelling unit, antenna switch, Asus Xonar U7 external sound card and the list goes on. Actually it goes on to my most recent purchase the K1EL Winusb keyer, yup had one and sold it and now I need it.
How many of you out there have done the same thing? I have now learned my lesson as I am keeping on my self the external SWR meter, antenna switch and Astron power supply just in case I need them. I have become a ham horder.


QRP - When you care to send the very least! said...

You're not alone, Mike. Seems that those of us without "deep pockets" are always trying ways to gain needed funds for whatever we're looking to acquire at the moment.

In my case, I sold a few items to raise money to afford my KX3 that now, years later - I really regret selling. But that's the life of a Ham that doesn't have Bill Gates kind of momey.

Larry W2LJ

VE9KK said...

Good afternoon Larry, yes I hear yah and now that I am retired the ham bucks supply is even more tighter. Good to know I am not alone on this one. Have a great weekend Larry.

PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Mike, I actually don't sell much of my hamradio gear. I like to have everything as backup. So I still have my old IC-706MK2G and a second large power supply. I also have several external SWR meters and a antennatuner as backup. The things I sold in the past have never made me regret it at all. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas and very nice to hear from you, well I can't say that I have no regret about selling things. I have taken a walk in your direction and am now keeping my equipment I am not using. It is collecting some dust on the upper self of my storage cupboard.

MadDogMcQ said...

I'm the KING of buy-sell-buy, LOL.

It's funny you mention the Xonar U7 because I was just looking at mine last night and thinking I should sell it, hahaha.

73, Tom, M7MCQ

VE9KK said...

Good morning Tom, yes that is how it gets started and then before you know it the item is sold....then at some point your purchasing it again!