Sunday, February 12, 2023

PACC contest


I have read on a few blogs from the Netherlands about a contest called PACC it has been around since 1955 and is a mixed contest of CW and SSB. So there is a mode available that most hams would feel comfortable with.

 It is always on the 2nd weekend of February and lasts for 24 hours. On Saturday afternoon I was able to get some radio time in and I found several Dutch PACC contest stations on the bands. I set up my contesting software N1MM+ for the contest and in I went. The exchange for the Non-Dutch (me) is a signal report and QSO number. For the Dutch station, I was to receive a signal report and a 2 letter province code, of which there were 12.

I found the contest to be very relaxed and I only took part in CW mode, nothing against SSB but it would help if I had a mic but I do not so it was CW all the way. I was able to make contacts from 10m to 40m with at times some deep QSB but readable most times. It was a very part-time effort and I only made 16 contacts as I had other things going on around home I had to get back to. 

I did breeze over the rules but missed the part about a 10-minute band change rule. If you made a contact on a certain band you had to stay on that band for 10 minutes. Well for me that was not the case and the penalty was me going from the category of Single Op CW low power all band to Multi op two transmitters mixed category. Oh well, live and learn! I have attached my score and the contacts I made. 



PE4BAS, Bas said...

Great Mike, I didn't work you but did work a few from Canada. I was active in the QRP mixed section. Actually I really don't know if I switched bands within 10 minutes. But I actually don't care. I won the low power SSB section once and that was my ultimate goal. Since that I only take part in the QRP section. I see you worked my neighbourstations PA0O and PA4O, very nice. Don't forget to send in your log to receive the token of merit! You can upload it on the dutch pacc site. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good afternoon Bas, it was a very nice contest and the first time I took part in it. I have sent in my log and I always do as those I contacted it is out of respect that I send it in. I was listening for you but never did hear you maybe next year.
73 Bas and have a good up coming week,

Koos van den Hout said...

Nice to see PA0AA in your log, that's after I left the 20m operating position at that station! 73 Koos PE4KH

VE9KK said...

Good morning Koos, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Yes well maybe next year we will catch you at the operating desk.