Saturday, December 10, 2022

ARRL 10m contest brings the band alive.

Lots of action on the 10m CW portion during the ARRL 10m contest. During the morning today lots of EU stations to be had. As the afternoon started the EU faded and more U.S. and I am expecting later this afternoon South America possibly.


PE4BAS, Bas said...

Hello Mike, unfortunately didn't hear you. As a matter of fact, no Canadian station heard here. Propagation was further south of me. I did not work as many north America. Hopefully propagation will be better tommorow. Hope you have fun today, it is dark over here and 10m has closed again. 73, Bas

VE9KK said...

Good morning Bas, I found better results yesterday with search and pounce as opposed to running (calling CQ) so for most of the day, I was S&P. I will see what today brings and I was able to get some op's from the Netherlands in the log yesterday as well.
Maybe today we will run into each other.