It was not addressed to me....this time!!! |
This evening I was on the radio and 9K2MU from Kuwait was BOOMING IN...never had that happen before. It was 20m at 14.025.008 CW around 23:05 UTC. I was reading on the spots that he was "as deaf as a doornail" Well when he was booming into my QTH he was answering lots of calls and the pileup
Just not meant to be today. |
was fairly large to boot. Maybe there are those out there who think if they are not heard then the DX station
is just simply deaf. Just as fast as he came in.... he was gone and just replaced with static at 23:15!! Did I make the contact....NO.... but I gave it may best effort and it was not my time. This is what I love about ham radio it's the surprises that help sharpen your skills but at the same you understand that you have so much more to learn.......it just never becomes boring!!!
I've had stations booming and have called them with a kw to no avail - even though only a few others are calling and mostly not getting through. I think these stations must be plagued with QRN - imagine with an S9 noise level...they're not going to hear the majority of callers.
Don't get discouraged though; the surprises work the other way too.
Hi Mike and a "ditto" to your post. But even with a PhD in amateur radio no guarantees can be expected. It's low power short-wave radio, after all. 73 have a fine Tuesday. Dick
Hi Mike, at least you're not frustrated like many callers. With QRP you know that it does not happen all the time. BTW, I spend half a hour on the radio yesterday to install and try the newest HRD. When downloading I wandered over the bands to see if I could hear Swains Isl. But nothing heard but the pile-up (9+60dB). So I came across 12m and heard only 1 station 5N7M. I gave it a try and he heard me at second call. I was using "only" 50W and the tuner could not tune the antenna better as 2:1. It's all about propagation I guess. 73, Bas
Good morning John, yes I think thats one thing we tend to forget about and that is the noise level at the other end. I'll be on this evening hoping for a "reverse surprise".
Good morning Dick, Yes it's the excitement and the learning curve that keeps me coming back to ham radio.
Good morning Bas, I too have contacted 5N7M on more that one occasion. Funny how that works out but thats the magic of radio I guess. So how did HRD work out for you?? I used it in the past when it was free....is this the free version of the new one I believe you have to purchase?
Hi Mike, sometimes, Murphy's law came in. Never expect anything, call CQ, and see what's comes on your path. 73 Paul
Good morning Paul, yes Murphy has paid me visits on numerous occasions with surprises of his own.
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