Its been one of those days |
As those who read my blog on a regular basis I did have a
post not to long ago about these DAM captchas that are used when you post a comment. After reading the post you may had gotten the idea that I was not really a fan of them....in fact I don't use them on my blog. I do get more spam now but I just delete them and move on. Well this weekend I have been trying to post a comment or two on blogs that use the captcha. For some reason I have not been able to crack the letter pattern. At first I thought it may had been my laptop and it being Linux and all......but not so. I have tried it on my XP OS, Mac OS and Windows 7 and on all the machines I am shut out from solving the captcha!!!!! Are the chaptcha gods raining their wrath down on me OR are others of you having troubles as well?? As a side note I thought maybe it was due to the fact my Linux OS was out of date and needed to upgrade. So I began the upgrade and for some reason Oliver my cat (for now anyway) walked across the keyboard. He must had "Pawed" in a keyboard combo and now I have to totally re-instal Linux and all the programs that were on the laptop are now gone.
You're not the only one struggling with this. Some blogs have captchas that let me succeed after 2-3 tries, others I just give up.
Good evening Sverre, I have become very frustrated trying to get the correct wording. There are time when I think there must be a better way of stopping spam.
Thanks very much for stopping by the blog and taking the time to comment.
Hi Mike, I do recognize your statement. I don't use Captchas because I never get or very seldom Spam on my blog. When it happens, maybe once a year I remove the spam comment. Most of the time Blogger recognize the spam and put it in your spam box. So why ate many bloggers using Captchas anyway? Don't they like comments? Or what. Sometimes I have tried 3 times to get a comment posted. Soooooo annoying. I hope that our blogger friends with captchas will deactivate this feature. 73 Paul
I removed the captchas as well as you probabely know. I've had ocassions that I refreshed 5 times before I could even read a pattern. I don't get much spam as well since disabling captchas. I hope others will read this and disable those captchas as well. I hope you get your Linux & Programs running again soon. It always costs su much time to re-install. 73, Bas
I removed the captcha from my blog after getting frustrated trying to decipher them on other blogs. The latest captchas from Blogger are ridiculously hard to decipher. I think they deter more legitimate comments than spam.
Julian, G4ILO
Good morning Paul, I too find that most if not all the time blogger is able to determine that it's Spam making the comment. The comment is then never posted.
Good morning Bas, the Linux is up and running and seems most if not all my settings were saved somewhere on the hard drive. When Linux finished the install all my programs and setting were in place.....that was a nice surprise. I too Bas have just recently had to refresh over and over again the captchas as well. On two blogs I just gave up and did not post the comment.
Yes Julian I too have found the latest captchas one needs special glasses or something to make them out....I may try my 3D glasses maybe that may help!! As I told Bas I have two blogs yesterday that I ended up not leaving comments on as the captcha was on it's 6th refresh.
Some captcha are TERRIBLE, some other are acceptable, indeed which solution there might be?
Good afternoon Stefano, yes one would think that someone could come up with a user friendly system.
Absolutely HATE those things!
Yes Casey and the more I use them the more they are getting on the one nerve that I have left!!!
Hello, at first I did not like the one's with two words. But since I allow myself to solve these double's in two times, I always succeed. hi, 73, Bert
Good evening Bert, I for some reason have been having an unbelievable time solving the captcha words. I thought something was up with the computer but I have tried on my Mac, desktop and laptop and all I have not been able the pass the captcha test.
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